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Original Fine Art Design

Showing 49–51 of 51 results

  • Original Monoprint Type of Colors Set of 3
  • So Simple Yet The Sponge Painting
  • The Flowers in the Falls Painting


Where would the world be without art?  Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt would be pretty boring, and in general, life would be exceptionally dry and dull indeed!  Art flavors our world with interest, color, shape, and form in so many ways, and our history is enriched by it in every culture everywhere on this earth. 

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”  

Pablo Picasso


But original art is even more special, as it is a unique creation from a beautiful mind of an artist.  It is a completely unique entity on this earth, and therefore makes an invaluable investment, whatever the cost.  What value it is to you, is the only question.  Sometimes the most simple and inexpensive artwork is priceless.  And other times, a few hundred to a few thousand dollars brings worlds of pleasure and joy.  Some investors invest tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Elite investors invest hundreds of millions of dollars.  Most of us are not in that realm, but investing in original artwork, with whatever your budget and pocketbook brings is still worth it.  Artwork is valuable, and original artwork retains even more than its value than any kind of print or reproduction.  Reproductions are nice and convenient, but there is no comparison to original work.  Original artwork is an investment that will bring enjoyment not only with its usage over the years, but also as it retains more of a monetary value by its very nature of being unique and original.  


There are many factors that go into determining the value of original artwork.  Many times it is the value and popularity of the artist that determines a particular piece’s monetary value.  In addition, the fact whether the artist is still living or deceased with contribute to its value.  In general, a popular artist can command a large range of prices depending of his or her following and what the market is willing to bear.  A good rule of thumb for buying original artwork:  if you LOVE it, and you can afford it, and you think it is worth it, then it is!      

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